You put on your “real” clothes.
You fix your hair,
create your best face,
turn on the camera and microphone,
take a look at your screen
and then internally scream –

THIS is how you’re supposed to impress people?

THIS is the face that is going to bring in the big bucks?

The only place you’ve ever looked less attractive is in the faux leather chair at the place where you get your hair cut.

Cue the harsh overhead lights and horror movie theme music.

To add injury to insult, it’s not just the way you look on that computer screen that’s got you down, it’s your audio, which is actually down, and people are straining to hear you. The best words you said all day just got lost in the snap, crackle and pop of poor performing technology.

You take a deep breath and tell yourself it doesn’t matter that much. You know you’re an expert in what you do, and that people need you. Your work is brilliant, and it improves the lives of others. It’s not that important if you have unflattering camera angles or spotty sound, right? You’re thinking, “It happens to everybody. We’re all on camera now. Everybody looks a little funky on camera.”

Oh, but your level of professionalism on camera is incredibly important.

Welcome to the “new normal” of on-camera, ongoing presentations.

Regular Zoom meetings and classes may still be fairly new, but the reality is, business has moved into the virtual space and it’s only going to continue. Poor quality with camera sound and video ranged from normal to quirky and good for a chuckle when the world went into lock down and new trails were being blazed. Now that the trails are clearly in place, it’s not enough to merrily skip down them, you need the appropriate equipment.

The good news?

“Zooming” business can be a bit on the frustrating side. With all the technical hoops to jump through, the gadgets that you need to purchase and set up and the internet problems that inevitably occur, it can be incredibly challenging.

The bad news?

It’s easier than ever to work all over the world, with an international client base and develop a booming business. Video conferences and meetings are convenient and less expensive than traveling or meeting in person. They are also safer and a lot more personal and interactive than a phone call or teleconference. The world is seeing the ease and advantage of reaching people virtually and it is here to stay!

These challenges are also frequently the reason you’re not growing your business and getting more clients.


The harsh truth is, people are assessing your competence based on your appearance and the quality of your video and audio presentation. Now, of course this isn’t fair but that’s the reality.

You’ve probably even had that experience yourself.

Think of a time where you were attending a presentation. Did you find yourself:

Frustrated with the inconsistency of the audio – you’re only catching every other word, if that!

Distracted by the background of the presenter – Overly obvious fake scenery (if you’re really at the beach, why does part of your head keep disappearing into the palm trees?), cluttered or messy rooms, pets, kids or other people making “guest” appearances all keep you half tuned in, and half tuned out.

Unable to focus on the content being delivered because the presentation just feels amateurish. You’re not sure why you keep tuning out, but something seems “off”, even if you can’t quite explain what it is.

Deciding to just check out because it wasn’t worth your time

Feeling a little resentful that you paid money for that?

You may not think technology issues for on camera content delivery matter that much, but they do. Think about what you experience as an audience member when the visuals and audio are wonky. At what point did you stop paying attention?

When you have unreliable video or audio quality during your virtual presentations, your audience is no longer focused on the content you are delivering because they are distracted by the poor quality of what they are seeing and hearing.

All the little things that contribute to your on-camera presentation can quickly turn into so many detractors that people are no longer tuned in to your brilliance because all they are experiencing is visual chaos and audio confusion.

There has to be a better way to deliver your presentations without spending a ton of money and introducing additional technology stress.

There is.

What you want, is to be able to focus on the content you are delivering so you serve your audience and clients, and are able to continue to grow your business.

What your audience wants, is to feel that their investment in money, time or both, was worth it and there was value in attending.

We get it – your genius is in the content you deliver, not your technical prowess. And that’s exactly how it should be.

That’s where we come in.

You’re not a major news network with gazillions of dollars to invest in expensive equipment, and you probably don’t have a highly trained tech team who can come in and set everything up for you.

You’re a small to medium sized business, wanting to put your best work out into the world so you can make a difference. Yay, you!

So here’s what we know – any business that is consistently getting new clients, generating revenue and creating buzz in the online virtual space, is absolutely delivering quality presentations. Their clients can easily absorb what is being taught because they are able to focus on the presenter and the presentation, rather than get distracted by the technology that isn’t up to snuff.

Online presentations are about the quality of the content but there’s no getting around that your audience is forming an impression of who you are when they watch and listen. And whether you consciously realize it or not, how you perceive yourself is affecting your confidence. 

Insecurity and imposter syndrome, table for one?

Imagine if you could deliver the goods every time you presented knowing people were hanging on your every word and wondering how they could continue to work with you?

When you have a great tech set-up, you will: 

  • Feel confident presenting knowing that there is high quality to how you look and sound

  • Secure more clients/students and opportunities because your presentations have the look and feel of a true professional

  • Increase referrals as word spreads that you deliver polished content that is easy to watch, hear and experience

  • Have a greater impact and a bigger circle of influence

  • Generate more income with more people enrolling in your courses and workshops

  • Enjoy your presentations more because there is no stress with technology

What if you could have a professional set-up that delivered the look and sound of a high-end studio without the hassle of complicated installation or the cost normally associated with something like this?

You’re probably saying, “Yeah, sounds good but is that really possible?”

It is and this is our passion.

1:1 consult with an audio/video professional. Your needs are specific so we will customize our consultation to you. 

Personalized attention and instruction to help you create a visual background that will enhance your presentation skills, not detract from them. And we’re not talking just zoom backgrounds but your actual office space, so you look top notch!

Audio settings. What you have to say is important so let’s make sure people can hear you loud (but not too loud) and clear. 

Camera positioning. Good-bye swamp creature, hello hot stuff.

Lighting. No more horror movie vibes, just flattering lighting that will make people want to crawl through the camera to be with you.

How to get the best use of your current internet. We can help you troubleshoot connection issues but we can’t fix an overall bad internet. Side note – no, we don’t include a hammer in the tech product box for “fixing”.

Feeling amazed and mystified? Well, wait because there’s more. Let’s talk about the actual products.

  • Professional desktop microphone so everyone can hear what you have to say


  • HD web cam with desktop stand so clients are looking into your eyes, not up your nose or down your shirt


  • Desktop lighting so you are no longer confused with a pasty zombie and are instead, recognized as the smart, savvy expert you are

  • USB hub for your computer so you can actually plug in the equipment. You can thank us later for being so forward thinking

  • All connections and cables so you won’t need anything that’s not included. Well, bring your own laptop and cocktails, although we don’t think you’ll need the cocktail after working with us

We have the goods, knowledge and expertise to have you quickly and easily set-up, so you are the best version of yourself on camera and online. And in case you’re wondering, our products are high quality and brand-name, so you don’t have to worry about that.

Are you feeling the tingles, yet?

We know there is something so exciting about finally being able to deliver the kind of presentation that gets people to sit up, pay attention and do what they need to do to get the results they hired you for!

That’s why we are also going to provide you with a check-in and follow-up consultation, so you feel confident about everything. We’ll jump on camera with you for a final run through before your first big meeting because nothing says love like, “Check one, two.”

We truly are in a unique time. The world is getting smaller, while opportunities to do business, make money and serve other people continue to get bigger.

If you are a successful business owner who truly believes that the work you do changes lives for the better and are ready for others to see and hear your message, then we’d love to work with you!

What’s that? You have some questions?
No problem, we hear you!

My laptop already has a camera built in. Why/do I really need a new one?

The cameras that are built in on most laptops are low quality and are difficult to put into a good position. You have probably found that you are often unable to get the camera close enough or high enough to keep you looking like a human. You have no control over the way your skin looks on camera or the way the colors appear on screen. When you have a better quality camera, you’ll look like a better quality human.

My laptop already has a microphone built in. Why/do I really need a new one?

The built-in microphone is usually good enough for chatting with grandma and the kids, however, when presenting to business professionals, this isn’t going to give you the image of an expert authority. The built-in microphone, since it is on your computer, is also good enough to pick up all the sounds of your typing, the fan spinning
and the neighbor’s lawn mower or an ambulance going by. Since the microphone is attached to your laptop, it’s difficult to get it close enough to you to pick up the clear sound of your voice. The microphones that arc built in on most laptops are low quality and meant for convenience, not to capture the full sound of your voice

Can't I just go out and buy this equipment myself ? Why do I need you?

Sure, you can do that- if you know the difference between the cheap off-brand equipment and the real stuff, go for it. If you know how to correctly connect it and set it up so you look and sound great, then you don’t need us. But if you already know that, why haven’t you done it yet? This is our jam. This is what we do.

I already have / (invested in?) some really nice equipment. Can you just help me set up what I have?

Possibly! Well, probably. We might be able to. We may be able to work with what you have. Every situation is different, depending on the equipment you own. Please contact us here and let us know what you have, and what you have in mind.

I'm not a stage speaker. I only do one-on-one consultations. Is this still for me?

It’s more important than ever to be able to communicate clearly with people in an online meeting and yes, that means 1:1 consultations. Your professional set up makes you look good and helps instill trust in you.

I'm just starting out. Do I really need all this?

I just started this job – do I really need a suit? You wouldn’t ask that question to a new employer, right? It’s the same thing.

I have a big presentation coming up, can I get a last-minute check-in even if we've already had the consultation?

Yes! We are here for you and want you to feel confident in your set up. We offer a check-in /confidence session as part of the package!

I love this! My clients need this. Do you offer an affiliate program?

Why yes, we do! Contact us here and let’s discuss.

I need more. I've already invested in the technology and set up and have been presenting professionally for awhile now. However, it's time to take things to the next level. Can you help me with green screen/branded backgrounds, managing multiple screens and handling several hundred conference attendees?

Yes, we can. If you need guidance with this, contact us here and let’s figure out what you need!

We know that dealing with and investing in technology can sometimes feel a little risky. We don’t want you to feel that way!

When you work with us, you can be confident that:

  • Your equipment will work, or we’ll replace it (we test every piece of equipment that we send you)

  • You will get name-brand, professional equipment. We are not sourcing the cheapest stuff.

  • You will look and sound better when we have completed your set-up.

  • We are confident that you will be happy with your new set up. If you’re not happy with the outcome, we will make it right. If we can’t, we will arrange for you to return the equipment, for a full refund.*

Still wondering
if this is right for you?

Think about how you show up when you present, and the perception other people have of you. They are looking at whether or not you are the whole package. Do you look, sound and present like the go-to expert in your industry? Would they be enthusiastic and confident about referring you to their colleagues?

Just like the best companies package their products so their brand is clear, everything looks high quality and delivers a certain “feel”, your company needs to do this as well. But what about when YOU are the brand/company?

The same rules apply! YOU need to look, sound and come across as a quality product. It may feel kind of strange to think of yourself as a product but that’s really what’s going on in today’s world of personal branding. You may have the best message, content or course on the planet, but you’ll be missing out on so much potential business if how you appear to the public doesn’t match who you are on the inside (which is smokin’ hot and smart).

The more people you serve, the more impact and income you’ll have, and we want to help make that happen for you.

*Refund request valid only within the first 30 days. Consultations non-refundable. Manufacturers warranties are separate and should be addressed with the manufacturer directly.