by laurie | Apr 26, 2013 | websites, Wordpress
So far in this series on WordPress website security we’ve explained the increase in WordPress hacking and how to discover if you’ve been hacked. We’ve also shared with you the importance of backing up your WP website, allowing you to recover if you should be so...
by laurie | Apr 24, 2013 | how to, tips and lists
Now here’s something that has always annoyed me (which… doesn’t annoy me anymore, because I just figured out Googled a fix)… Whenever I have formatted an ebook in Word, I’ve always had a problem with the borders when I save to PDF. For...
by laurie | Apr 17, 2013 | Wordpress
As we mentioned in the first article in this series on WordPress website security, hacking is on the rise; either due to simple malice or for profit. Unfortunately, knowing why you’ve been hacked means little in the face of the damage done. So, the question becomes,...
by laurie | Apr 8, 2013 | websites, Wordpress
WordPress websites are all the rage these days. You probably even have one. They are the greatest, mainly because they are both user-friendly and Google-friendly. Their popularity also makes them attractive targets for hackers, unfortunately. It helps to understand...
by laurie | Mar 26, 2013 | marketing
by Go2Girls Copywriting Expert – Susan Kent When your potential customers first arrive at your website, what do they see? You only have a few seconds to grab your visitors’ attention, so it’s really important to make sure your landing page is as engaging as...