by laurie | Nov 15, 2011 | blogging, how to, productivity, self-generate, tips and lists, writing
Did you even know that you can publish blog posts to your blog, right from Microsoft Word? It’s pre-tty darn cool. Here’s how: 1. Go to File à New à Blog post. 2. Then start Typing… (Drag and format pictures just like you...
by laurie | Nov 2, 2011 | email, productivity, tips and lists
Yesterday, I wrote a blog post on a great way to handle email with a 4-folder system. One of our readers asked a question in the comments, and I’m answering it here. Christine asked: So what are you putting in the Follow Up, Hold & Archive folders? Where do...
by laurie | Nov 1, 2011 | email, productivity, time on task, tips and lists
After a full night of trick or treating, Lightening McQueen, Dora, and the little Lion were deep into their sugar comas…the trick-or-treaters were done…the plastic pumpkins in the kitchen window were giving off an eerie, yet almost romantic glow…the...
by laurie | Oct 27, 2011 | teleseminars, videos
Okay, so we all know I have a small (giant) obsession with teleseminars…here is another video on the subject.
by laurie | Oct 26, 2011 | teleseminars, videos
Have you ever listened to a teleseminar from a tree? Check out this shorty to see all the places where you can listen to a teleseminar (watch the end to see a surprise. tee hee). 7 wonders of the world seven wonders of the world around the world wonders of the world...