After a full night of trick or treating, Lightening McQueen, Dora, and the little Lion were deep into their sugar comas…the trick-or-treaters were done…the plastic pumpkins in the kitchen window were giving off an eerie, yet almost romantic glow…the house was quiet, and it was just me and my husband in the kitchen. He catches my eye. We stare at each other.

He says: “Babe…?” 

“Hmmm?” I reply, my mouth full of chocolate.

“I’ve been thinking a lot…”

I wonder what it is… Does he want another baby? Is he ready to buy a minivan?  Did I forget to switch the laundry again? Is he going to suggest throwing away the Halloween candy? (girls can do this – think of 15 things in the .005 seconds when you take a breath)

“…about how you could be more productive.”


So here’s the thing. This is actually good, because my husband LOVES this stuff, and is a guru genius when it comes to focusing on things, and I’m totally in awe of his ability to do this. I love productivity in theory, but I admit I’m not so good at it. I mean, I get a LOT done, but I could definitely better manage my time.

He is convinced (and is probably right) that I get sucked into the email vortex way too often, which distracts me from accomplishing the important tasks on my to-do list.

So, he then explained this system to me, based on the Getting Things Done (GTD) principles.

4 folders? Oh.

“I’ll help you.”


“Yes. If you want. Let’s go check your email.


So, here is what I’m trying out today:

4 primary folders.

4 folders screen shot
          1. Follow up
        2. Hold
        3. Archive
        4. Trash
[br] [br] Email Triage. 4 Questions. 15 minutes. Twice a day.
  1. Is it trash? (If yes, delete)
  2. Can I do it in 2 minutes or less? (If yes, do it and delete or archive)
  3. Is it Follow up / hold / or archive? (If yes, put it in one of those folders)
  4. Is it a priority task, as opposed to just a “regular” email that needs following up? (If yes, write it down)
We came up with a plan – my day is going to go in this order:
  1. Accomplish 1 thing on my to-do list (like…write this week’s article and send my ezine…)
  2. Triage my email
  3. Do the other important tasks on my list
  4. Go through the follow up folder
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 until my work day is over
Also, we talked about how to ACTUALLY block off time to accomplish these things, and we came up with these items:
  1. Shut off / turn off email. Also, we disabled all the alerts, pop-ups and dings for when a new email arrives (yeah…that makes sense. Cool.)
  2. Minimize unused programs (Yeup, yeup…I’m trackin’)
  3. Put phone on silent (Er, okay…)
  4. Put Skype on Do-Not-Disturb while I’m working (But…how will I talk to my friends?)
  5. Shut off Twitter and Facebook (You CAN’T be serious.)

So, by now, I’m wary. And tired. And wondering if there are any twix left.

And then, he wrote me this love note:

productivity takes practice note









Ah, how sweet is that?


READ “PRODUCTIVITY TAKES PRACTICE PART II: What to put in your email folders.