by Go2Girls Launch Expert Kim Larocque
A teleseminar is a great way to educate your audience, build your reputation as an expert in your field – and sell more products, services, or programs. Since your audience is already interested in what you have to offer, the personal appeal of a teleseminar is a powerful way to connect with your audience and build rapport and your credibility.
A teleseminar launch is basically a conference call (usually called a “preview call”, and also usually free) followed by an offer. Say you’re selling a new product or program; you will host a free call on a topic related to your product or program and then, at the end of the call, you’ll make your offer for people to buy your program or speak with you further. You will then promote your offer to those who attended the call for a few more weeks after the call. This is a popular – and effective – way to sell coaching programs.
What you need to do to launch your teleseminar
A teleseminar launch requires at least five weeks of prep time – so, five weeks right up until the call. You will spend the first few weeks preparing all of your presentation pieces (sharpen your pencil…or… you know… your keyboard) – there is lots of writing to do!) and then, the next two weeks will be spent promoting your call.
- During weeks 1-3 you will schedule your bridge line, set up your landing page, and set up your autoresponder email with the call-in details.
- You will also write and schedule all of your social media posts and promotional emails.
- If you have an affiliate program, you will also want to send out a few emails urging your affiliates to promote your teleseminar for you. It’s best to include some swipe copy for them to use as well.
- The final two week period before your preview call, you will send out your promotional emails and continue to create buzz on your social media channels.
The 5-Step Teleseminar Checklist
There are five main pieces you need to have in place to ensure the success of your teleseminar, including the following:
- Landing Page – This page describes the benefits of the call and asks the reader to opt-in or register in order to get the call-in details
- Bridge Line – This is your teleconference service
- Email Marketing Service – A service such as Aweber or iContact will make your email campaign automated, with tracking results and follow-ups built right in
- Social Media Posts – You will want to promote your call on all of your social media channels
- Sales Page – This is where you’ll send folks to buy your product or service
There are many different ways you can go about launching your teleseminar, and all of them should be tailored to your particular audience. An aggressive email campaign might work for one person’s list but not for another, as their list isn’t used to hearing from that person as often. Look at it as an organic process, and always be ready to make changes based on the response you are getting.
The success of your launch event really depends on your marketing efforts, and what opportunities you take advantage of. If you have a large list of responsive followers this may not be a problem for you, but if you are still trying to build your business, and your list, this may not be enough.
Having an affiliate program and joint venture partners in some cases can be crucial to the success of your launch. You should always be building a network of referral partners, people who are willing to help you promote your business even as you help them promote theirs, in order to grow your business.
If you are looking for help with a new teleseminar launch, get in touch with the pros at Your Go to Girls today.