At the beginning of this series on SEO, we promised to provide you with the SEO basics. And – that’s what
we did! Yet, there are a few more things to add. (But of course, there always are…remember what a big subject we said this was? Oy vey.)
Your SEO strategy is a process
Once again, there is no magic bean to plant, button to push, or lever to pull to improve your ranking in the search results. You can’t simply “turn on” your SEO. Sorryyyyyyyy, it just doesn’t work that way.
Optimizing your site for the search engines takes time. Why? Because, as we explained in the post “What the heck is website SEO, anyway?” the search engines store their search results rather than performing a new search every time a search term is entered. By building what is essentially a library of optimized content at your site, you give them search results they can store for the next time your keyword is used in a search. Boom, done…
SEO techniques change over time
Yeah, sorry again (aren’t we just the bad news bears today…) but, the techniques that are used today to maximize SEO, even the SEO basics, are different than they were just a few years ago. They’ll be different again a few years from now, too.
As the search engines develop and become more refined in their techniques, information providers, those of us who own websites and blogs, must also become more refined in the ways we make our information available to them. Don’t take it personally that you have to change with the times; it’s just progress.
Website SEO requires diligence
If you want to improve your ranking in the search results; if you want to move to the top of the page on Google, you can’t afford to do some of the things some of the time. Since the search engines are relentless in their pursuit of information, you must be equally relentless in providing it for them.
Content SEO requires creativity
Content SEO requires the creative use of keywords, as well as the creative generation of content. As the search engines become more focused on quality of content, you must provide that quality if you hope to be found. Besides appealing to the search engines, quality content also appeals to the reader, who is your ultimate target, after all.
Stick to the SEO basics…for now
Remember this, as you see the results of your own web searches improve, providing you with higher quality information every time you enter a search term, it is the refining of search techniques which makes this possible. Your response to these refinements, as a website or blog owner and web-based information provider, should be enthusiastic. Why? Because, this means it will actually become easier for your target audience to find you.
For now, stick to these SEO basics to improve the SEO of your site, but don’t allow yourself to become complacent. You can’t afford to – none of us can.
[hr](This is post 4 of 4 in a series on SEO and SEO Basics)
[<— go back to the article on Content SEO]