Do you YouTube?
Come on!
Everybody’s doing it, ya know.
Well, not everybody, but considering that about 3 billion videos are viewed a day on YouTube, you might want to think about brushing your hair and dusting off that old video camera.
YouTube is the second largest search engine next to Google (but then, they are owned by Google, so not sure what to say about that lol).
Anyway, YouTube…it’s my new obsession. I saw Starr Hall at an event recently, and she said you should have 30 videos up, at a minimum, so I’m working on that, and it’s TOTALLY fun.
Before you get all freaked out, it’s not like you have to spend every waking hour editing and shooting video. Here are a few tips:
1. Make them short. People don’t seem to have a lot of time these days, and we are easily distracted (oooh, look at this video on business strategy…AND THIS ONE – SINGING KITTENS!) It seems that 2-4 minutes is good.
2. Make them good quality. Get a nice camera – cell phone videos are great if it’s all you have and you are capturing breaking news. But, if your video is blurry or grainy, it’s annoying to watch. And, for instance, if you are shooting down by the beach, and all we can hear is the wind, we might start looking for other things to watch, like…dancing kittens.
3. Have fun. For goodness sake, have fun! Don’t worry about being stuffy and business-y (I’m sure that’s a word, right?). Let your personality shine through, and have a laugh.
In my quest to reach 30 videos – here are some that I have worked on recently:
Teleseminars vs. Webinars – what’s the difference?
Why teleseminars are so great (and all the things you can do with one)
All the places you can listen to a teleseminar (sometimes, I crack me up)
How to buy a watermelon (it’s good to know a little of everything)
Do YOU YouTube? Post links to your videos in the comments!