Ahhhh, productivity. You sneaky, seemingly unattainable concept. I love you. Or, I love the concept of you. I think about you. Scratch that. I obsess about you, like a crazy hormonal teenager. I make lists. I imagine me and you, together. Happy. Getting stuff done. Taking on the world. With you by my side, I am unstoppable.

<phone dings> Text from babysitter: Don’t forget the beets!


(explanation: I put some beets on the stove to boil and puree for baby food, and told her to text me in 10 minutes to check them.)

Anyway, SO…where was I? Oh yes, productivity. How to be productive. There is a lot of information out there on this subject. Books, blogs, tips, tools, YouTube videos, and probably even a Facebook group out there dedicated to the topic. You could spend MONTHS distracting yourself trying to find the best ways to be productive.

Pureed Beets

Pureed Beets. Boom, Done.

<phone dings> Text from babysitter: Beets!


Here are 7 tips on how to be productive:

1. Don’t check email first

What’s the first thing most of us do when we sit down to work? Open up our email, which then opens up a giant (like buy-in-bulk sized) can of worms. It starts innocently…”I’ll just see what’s there”, you think. “I’ll get rid of the little things, and just take a peek at what I will need to deal with today…”, you reason with yourself. “What if there’s an emergency??” You start to panic…Next thing you know, you’re reading, filing, reacting, fixing, answering, clicking, (and reading a few jokes…after all, everybody needs a laugh, right?) Before you know it, it’s lunch (everybody needs to eat, right?). Then, you have to pick the kids up / walk the dog / do the laundry / whatever your thing is, and the next thing you know – it’s the end of the day, and you’re thinking: “WHAT HAVE  I DONE ALL DAY???”

Solution: Pick one thing to do, that takes no more than an hour, and do it BEFORE you check your emails. Make progress on something. Check off a to-do. Just. Do. Something. (besides check emails).

2. Turn off your electronics

Beep. Whirrrr. Ding! (don’t forget the beets!). Buzz. “You’ve got mail!” Twit. Tweet. Pop up windows. Chat. TV chatter. Email.

Erg…Just…turn…them…off. Yes, even your “productivity tools.” Trust me. It will allll be there when you get back. Unless you are a doctor, turn it off. You won’t miss anything. The economy will still be bad. The link to the picture of the cute kitten won’t expire. Nobody will have died (probably). Even if you don’t “check” things as they come in, the beeping, the buzzing, the Justin Bieber ring tone – it’s all a distraction. It clutters your mind. You wonder what the message is. It’s a distraction, even if subconsciously.

Solution: TURN THEM OFF. Yes, really. Even Facebook.

3. Clean your desk

Make your space workable. Clean it up. Take that empty coffee cup back to the kitchen. There really is something to that whole Feng Shui thing. Cluttered space, makes for a cluttered mind. Put stuff away. That’s…pretty much that.

4. Get it done vs. get it perfect

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I don’t get things done because I worry about them being perfect. While the concept of perfection seems incredibly awesome, it can slow you down. Getting things DONE feels great. You can always perfect it later. I *could* have made this post about 8 things…or 9 things…or 21 things…or… you get the point.

5. Hire help

Outsource the things that take up the most time, or that you don’t like to do. (And I’m not just saying that because I’m a Virtual Assistant.) I’m talking about all the areas of your life – cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry, cooking…whatever you can do to make your life easier, do it! I outsource a lot of things for my business – bookkeeping, contracts, some social media, website updates…Boom, done. It’s great.

6. Multi-tasking = anti-productive.

Multitasking. It’s the big illusion of productivity. You think: “Hey! I can get a BUNCH of stuff done at once! I’ll be SUPER productive!” “I’ll cook beets, and write a blog post!” Wrong, Superwoman! (It is my observation that men don’t seem to have the multitasking problem…they generally only do one thing at a time). Multitasking only leads to having a BUNCH of things either poorly done, or not done at all (in most cases).

7. Assemble your snacks

I don’t know about you, but *I* like to snack. And I especially like to snack when I’m trying to be productive. It’s quite sabotaging. It’s the perfect distraction. I get going on something…I get up and go to the kitchen…(you gotta eat, right?). So, when I REALLY want to be productive, I take snacks into the office with me, or put my coffee in a travel mug so I don’t need to get up to refresh it. Pack up healthy brain food that won’t slow you down. Note: Chocolate covered fruit-loops are not brain food.

Question for you: What are YOUR best productivity tips? (Put them in the comments – the best, or most unique tip will win a Starbucks gift card, to be announced next week!)