Conversations in the media lately have pointed to the idea that the recession may finally be over! News to you? News to us too. Our nation’s economy may have hit rock bottom and started its rebound but, if you’re like most of us, your personal economy has yet to be affected. So, here’s some advice on how to creatively market yourself in order to hold on until that handsome stimulus package and his white steed sweep in to save the day.
The audience online is more far-reaching than you could imagine. Writing articles, blogs and press releases for distribution via the web is a great way to market your business! The effort is minimal, the payback huge. A well-written, articulate article can capture the attention of clients and increase your growth potential.
Oh, what’s that? You slept through Miss Higgenbottom’s English class, and you know as little about commas and colons as you do about astrophysics? Stop right there! A poorly written article can do as much damage as a well written one can do good. If you struggle to remember whether, “its” is plural or possessive, or whether “I” comes before or after “E,” you should at the very least consider using the spelling and grammar check before you hit send on that email blast. Extending an invite to your marketing conference with a hearty, “Hope to see you their!” is a surefire way to make sure you won’t.
Besides the basic mechanics of writing – what entrepreneur has the time or energy to sit down and pound out a 500-word press release? Many people open their own businesses to dictate their own hours and to have more control over their lives. Isn’t that why you did it? So, why are you reading this in the middle of the night? Where are your kids? Did you even remember that you have kids? You see where we’re going.
So, you need Internet marketing, you need well-written articles that will entice and dazzle your clientele. However, you don’t have the time and you have no idea where your MLA handbook from Miss Higgenbottom’s class is. What’s your solution? Hire a professional writer! Your articles will be produced on time, with proper spelling and punctuation, and you’ll never have to fear that you’ve told your clients, “See you than!” instead of, “See you then!”
Professional writers are just that … professional. Their command over the English language and their understanding of how to address an audience is where they excel. Need an engaging, exciting brochure detailing all that your Cogs & Whistles distribution company has to offer? No worries – professional writers are also professional researchers. Give them the basics of what you want to get across and watch them go! They’ll take the time to make sure that every detail is accurate and take the worry and hassle of writing out of your hands so that you can concentrate on what you excel at – your business.
Go with the professionals. That's my motto.
From Lisa Rubinstein, owner, LDR Creative, Inc.